Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Some Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is a common Asian drink that has picked up popularity throughout North America. 
As a trendy drink many are searching out green tea as a healthy alternative to coffee and other warm drinks. 
Research has shown that green tea is rich in poly phenol anti-oxidants that have extraordinary health benefits.
Green, black and oolong tea are all part of the same species called Camellia sinensis.  Local growing conditions create variability and a multitude of distinctive leaves.
  The processing of the leaves plays the biggest role in the creation of the three types of teas.  The length of time they are processed dictates the color, taste and nutrient content of the different varieties of tea.

 Green tea is known to lower bad cholesterol and lowers the risk of certain cancers. It also has anti-bacterial qualities that can prevent tooth decay and protect the body against food poisoning. There are also studies conducted that show great benefits of green tea on the skin.
Your skin is a major organ that can take advantage of the health benefits of green tea. The most powerful positive benefit of green tea to the skin can be attributed to it being a powerful antioxidant. It is known to fight free radicals that may damage the skin and cause premature aging. Although, green tea is not known to protect the skin from UV rays but it does lessen the damaging effects of free radicals caused by sun exposure. It is also known to reduce inflammations that are caused by several damaging factors.
Green tea nowadays is used in many beauty products especially for anti-aging. They are used as ingredients in creams that are said to increase the skin’s quality by increasing its elasticity. This will then counteract the aging process and make the skin suppler.

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