Saturday, May 9, 2015

Shehnai Collection for Brides for Barat

In Pakistan their are so many dress designers making the best. Uzma Babar relatively a new dress designer of Pakistani clothing industry but her work really marked its presence in a very short span of time.
And recently she designed a fabulous stream of new bridal dress designs for coming wedding season of 2015. Uzma Babar launched bridal dress and named the collection as “Shehnai Collection”; officially this is Umsha by Uzma Babar in which she introduced all new bridal dress designs for Barat and Waleema functions.
So, stop worrying about your bridal dress design and simply follow Umsha by Uzma Babar Shehnai Collection for Barat and Waleema, bridal dress designs and get all the new designs of the season.
Uzma Babar made luxury wedding dresses in pure and the perfect seasonal touch. The collection consists of culturally rich bridal attires which have been transformed into modernly silhouette bridal dresses;
and new bridal dress designs have been launched with pure and classic colors. Pure classic colors have been used to make these perfect bridal hues for all new bridal dress designs. Designer Uzma Babar elegantly worked in this Umsha Shehnai Collection and introduced all brand new bridal dress designs. The collection consists of new designs, new schemes and new patterns of the season 2015. Model Rubab Ali was looking real bride at the set by wearing new bridal dresses of Umsha by Uzma Babar Shehnai Collection. All these bridal designs have been designed in pure Jamawar Silk fabric and nourished with Zari, Kora and Dabaka work and all sophisticated and delightedly amazing embroideries have been fetched on all these brand new bridal dress designs of this Shehnai Collection.

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